
Recent works in inverse rendering have shown promise in using multi-view images of an object to recover shape, albedo, and materials. However, the recovered components often fail to render accurately under new lighting conditions due to the intrinsic challenge of disentangling albedo and material properties from input images. To address this challenge, we introduce MaterialFusion, an enhanced conventional 3D inverse rendering pipeline that incorporates a 2D prior on texture and material properties. We present StableMaterial, a 2D diffusion model prior that refines multi-lit data to estimate the most likely albedo and material from given input appearances. This model is trained on albedo, material, and relit image data derived from a curated dataset of approximately ~12K artist-designed synthetic Blender objects called BlenderVault. we incorporate this diffusion prior with an inverse rendering framework where we use score distillation sampling (SDS) to guide the optimization of the albedo and materials, improving relighting performance in comparison with previous work. We validate MaterialFusion's relighting performance on 4 datasets of synthetic and real objects under diverse illumination conditions, showing our diffusion-aided approach significantly improves the appearance of reconstructed objects under novel lighting conditions.

Intrinsic Decomposition & Novel View Synthesis

All objects were captured under a single fixed and unknown environment lighting as a set of images and corresponding camera poses.



Relighting under Novel Illuminations


BlenderVault Dataset

To train our material diffusion prior, we utilize BlenderVault, a curated dataset containing 11,709 synthetic Blender objects designed by artists. The objects are diverse in nature and contain high quality property assets that are extracted and used to generate training data. It is available for download here.


  author    = {Yehonathan Litman and Or Patashnik and Kangle Deng and Aviral Agrawal and Rushikesh Zawar and Fernando De la Torre and Shubham Tulsiani},
  title     = {MaterialFusion: Enhancing Inverse Rendering with Material Diffusion Priors},
  booktitle = {3DV},
  year      = {2025}


This work was supported in part by the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program under Grant No. DGE1745016.
Code for this website was borrowed from TensoIR.